Friday, August 10, 2007

What a Start to the morning

Well, on my way to work this morning I missed the sunrise, but I almost seen the CRACK of dawn, going by the pictures I've put here. I wonder if her name was Dawn?.....

The funniest thing was she was beating on the guy riding on the bike. He was a foreigner, and she looked like she just finished working the chrome pole. He must've done something wrong, because all I could see was her swinging into him. Shame if he'd have lost control and ran into another car. Silly woman. When I pulled up along side them, he didn't look too happy.

If I was him, I'd have dumped her somewhere and gone home alone.

I'm not too busy today. Just doing some painting at work. Yesterday I welded up some shelves for our storage/maintenance room, and today I'm painting them. My workers have offerred to do it for me, but I need something to do. Plus it makes me sweat heaps, so hopefully I can lose some weight

Anyways, gootta roll, catchya later